Tennis, anyone?

Holly goes to The Little Gym and Kindermusik every week.  Little Gym is less stressful for me.  The toddlers are allowed run all over the gym while being encouraged to join in the activities.  Holly probably participates in group activities or skills about 80% of the time.  It is really nice that it is okay the 20% of the time she is off running around.  Kindermusik is more of a challenge because she really should not be running around parts of that room, or climbing under the table, or touching the newborn that a mother has brought along with her, etc.  Even so, Holly does enjoy the singing and dancing and instruments.  But Little Gym is a slightly better fit at this point.  She does very well there.  Rob was able to join us at The Little Gym on Tuesday and I so wish I’d had the video camera with me.  There was an activity with foam paddles (which looked like big lollipops) and balloons.  The toddlers were supposed to try to hit the balloons with the paddles.  All the other parents appeared to be cooing or cheering as their sweet toddlers hesitantly swung the paddles at the balloons.  Rob and I were ducking for our lives.  Holly took a paddle and went after the balloons with a vengeance.  She has no coordination so she was swinging all over the place; no one was safe within five feet of her.  I was laughing so hard I was crying.  I’d never seen her so determined.  I told Rob that we should steer clear of tennis lessons for this child.  Rob made the interesting point that tennis might actually be her calling with a little maturity and instruction.  He could be right!

In other news, Holly’s blossoming language is amusing me.  This was an interaction yesterday:

Me: “Would you like some water?”

Holly: “Nuh uh.  No wah-er.  Nope.”

Okay, tell me how you really feel, Holly.  LOL!

And today:

Me: “Holly, would you like some chicken?”

Holly: “No way!”  (Thanks, Diego.)

Later when I was taking Holly upstairs for a diaper change, she was quite upset because she finds it tedious.  She began wailing in my arms while reaching for Linlee and crying out, “Sister!  Sister!  Sisterrrrrr!”  I believe she thought Linlee might save her from the diaper change.  No such luck.

We’re working on losing the paci.  It’s a slow process.


  1. KAY

    I pulled this trick on my kids with the paci buy a new one that looks nothing like the one she has throw the other one away when she puts the new in her mouth it won’t feel the same and my kids threw the new one away so it was bye bye paci good luck

  2. I love your conversations with Holly. She definitely wants you to know exactly how she feels! LOL!

  3. I’ve been known to cut a small slit in a paci before…

  4. Wendy

    Oh, I love the pacifier pictures! I think it’s the sweetest thing ever. I understand why eventually, she’ll need to let go, but it’s just so stinkin’ cute!!

  5. Sarah

    Miss Holly is never going to make you wonder what is on her mind, she will let you know what she wants or does not want for sure. I never had to deal with the pacifier so I have no suggestions at all. I could actually visualize the “tennis” in little gym with you and Rob ducking for your lives:). I loved that she was calling out for her sister to save her from a diaper change too, even though it didn’t happen, they are really getting closer, that is so sweet. Hugs and kisses.

  6. Tracy

    I love the headset on a 2 year old! Too cute! She is still a baby-I wouldn’t stress the pacifier thing. You have enough stress without adding to it (unless you just really hate it).

  7. Kathleen

    Great stuff. I think she needs a piñata at her next birthday party…as long as you have a solid insurance policy. The picture of Holly reminds me of you (without the paci, of course) before you’d go jogging in college. I’m sure Holly will be sans paci by then.

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