Happy Earth Day!

IMG_0802Linlee in the cute tee shirt which she made for Earth Day (and tutu, which is her standard, after-school uniform these days). 

73533815588__32B56D5F-0D23-442E-8BC9-E2EB02446810 Rob took Linlee to Pike Place Market on Saturday (at Linlee’s request).  They had a really good time.  It was supposed to have been a family trip, but I’m nursing some pulled muscles in one leg and was not up for all the walking.  Phooey.  Holly chose to stay home with me.

Happy Easter!


IMG_0737 (1) Lovely dinner at my mom’s.  I brought the Easter cake, which had a big bite missing thanks to a very naughty Penny, but otherwise, a fantastic meal.  My mom even served some pretty “unicorn lemonade” to go with our dinner. 😁IMG_0735


IMG_0727Never too old for an Easter Basket!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


IMG_0693We tried to get Skipper to join the picture.  He wasn’t excited about it.   Ha.

Lastly, Linlee asked that I please post a picture of her green eggs and ham (which she has Rob make for her every year).  It looks pretty unappetizing to me, but to each her own!image000001

March Birthdays

Rob’s birthday was on March 1st.  We went to see Dune 2 together and then we went out to dinner to a Brazilian steakhouse (the kind where waiters walk around with giant skewers of grilled meats and slice off a piece for your plate).  It was a great date.  Happy birthday, Rob!IMG_0675

March 4th was my mom’s birthday.  On Saturday we took her out to Lombardi’s, a nice Italian restaurant where we all enjoyed a really great dinner.  Happy birthday, Mom!IMG_0648

February Snow

We have not had a snowy winter, but still got a taste the last two mornings.IMG_0627


IMG_0633And here is a sassy 13-year old! 😆

Belated Picture

IMG_0606 Linlee on Valentine’s Day in another Linlee created tee-shirt. 😁

Happy Chinese New Year!

IMG_0596Linlee created her own outfit to celebrate the day.  (She designed the tee shirt too!)

Happy Birthday, Linlee!


IMG_0500My Aunt Mary and Uncle Peter are two of Linlee’s most favorite people in the world.  They came over to help celebrate #19!


IMG_0509 Happy birthday, sweet daughter!

Merry Christmas!



IMG_0430Linlee asks for Starbucks snowman cookies every Christmas.  😆

IMG_0435 Hello Kitty was a main character in Holly’s Christmas this year.IMG_0436





IMG_0445 We haven’t had Christmas with the senior Youngs since before Covid.  So nice to have them with us again!














December Fun

IMG_0396 Holly skating with friends.

IMG_0399 Don’t these two look cozy?

IMG_0386 These are Holly’s works of art.  Yum! 😁